The place to collect feedback for CamundaBPM.
For now, we are mainly looking to get your feedback for Camunda Cockpit – what you like, dislike, what you struggle with, etc.
We'd love to take your feedback into account when further developing our product!
No Sorting Variables
(This was the request to allow for sorting by custom variables -> also requires custom variables to be configured to be visible in lists)
Real time / Live updates
Live-update the UI in case of changes, do not require users to refresh their browsers.
This feels generally (out-)dated, especially since Cockpit’s overall appearance says 'application', but behaves like a conventional web page in that regards.
Tasklist error message popups should go away
If an error occurs Camunda Tasklist, e.g. a task has already been completed or interrupted, the error message will stay visible until it is closed using the 'x' button. If one continues working with other tasks, one get's the impression that there might be something wrong with them as well.
I would like the error message to go way when I select a different task to work on.
Upgrade to AngularJS 1.6
This gives us latest features of AngularJS, for example:
- Asynchronous validations
- Recent UI-Bootstrap
- AngularJS Components
As a Teamleader I can search and reassign tasks
As a Teamledar I can search through different tasks and I can re/assign them to user/s or group/s.
Monitoring accross multiple process versions
Cockpit only shows one version of a process at a time, but especially statistics also make sence even if versions differ slightly.
Customer support service by UserEcho